What is a Troubled Teen?

Most people would use that term to describe the kid down the street known to have troubles with the law or who has a history of using alcohol or pot. For the Educational Consultants at Bodin, we see troubled teens who do fit the typical idea of a troubled teen, but who are not thriving for many reasons other than substance use and troubles with the law. We work with adolescents, young adults and families who need guidance developing appropriate and individualized plans for academic and emotional growth. We have developed relationships with schools, programs and individual resources throughout the country in order to ensure that a plan we create will be successful. Much of our work is with the families in order to maintain the plan and not fall prey to the common parenting pitfalls that can interrupt or setback these plans.

If you think you have a troubled teen and would like to speak to a consultant, call 800-874-2124

Help for troubled and struggling teens

Exploring residential treatment options can be very overwhelming for parents. At Bodin, we believe it is essential to educate families about appropriate treatment options, both local and residential, that exist for their children. With this information families have the knowledge to seek support from educational consultants as well as other professionals in their community.

Over the next several days I will write about options on the residential continuum, come back and check it or call and Educational Consultant at Bodin today.  800-874-2124 www.thebodingroup.com

The Isolation of Parenting a Troubled Teen.

Parenting can be really lonely. When our children are young, the feelings of loneliness and/or isolation are offset by the excitement of the high expectations of the great things to come. When those great things turn out to be difficulties academically or emotionally, phone calls from other parents or schools and teachers to notify you of some behavior from your child that is shocking, it can become more lonely and isolated than ever. When your friends, family or co-workers are celebrating their children or teens milestones and you are just hoping to get through the day without a phone call from the school or police, day to day can become brutal.

At Bodin, we suggest that you talk to a professional, take care of yourself, your marriage and other relationships that will keep you from making important decisions for your child based on isolation, loneliness and fear.

An Educational Consultant at Bodin can help. Our consultants have worked with thousands of families over the last 29 years to develop strong educational and treatment plans for families in crisis and for students who are not thriving. Check out www.thebodingroup.com

Alcohol is a drug…

As a parent and a professional, I am constantly amazed at the attitude of indifference about young people and alcohol. In spite of the fact that it’s illegal and it is the cause of more deaths than all other drugs combined, both parents and teens seem to accept it’s use as a normal “right of passage”! I was amazed to find that I was alone in expecting that my teenage daughter would NOT drink before, during or after prom. Graduation is just a few weeks away and I stand by my position with my graduate…I will not allow alcohol or other drugs to be consumed with my knowledge and if she chooses to do so there will be appropriate consequences.

I also realize that many parents have struggling teens and are themselves struggling to assist their children navigate the difficulties that young people are faced with. By not seeking help, parents are raising the bar of tolerance in the home and at the same time increasing the isolative existence within their home!

An Educational Consultant can help families with concerns and families in crisis. The Educational Consultants at Bodin are trained clinicians ready to develop solid plans for success for students and familes.

If you have concerns about your troubled teen check out www.thebodingroup.com