Recovery Takes Flight – Celebrating National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

Gen. Barry McCaffrey and Brenda Loringer-Bell of Bodin

I attended the “Recovery Takes Flight” celebration in Marin County last week to honor the many who have battled addiction, sought treatment and had the opportunity to thrive in recovery from addiction. Myself included.

Former US Drug Czar and Retired Four-Star General Barry McCaffrey was there and reminded the audience and media that ” Twenty on million Americans need but do not receive treatment for illicit drug or alcohol problems according to the numbers form HHS; less than three million receive treatment. In California, 3.1 million need but do not receive treatment; less than 200,000 are treated. We have a huge treatment gap.”

While I could not find data to show out those numbers, how many are adolescents and young adults, it is fair to assume that at Bodin, we have the opportunity and obligation to every family we see to be aware of the current trends in drug abuse and addiction. This includes keeping informed about the current drugs of abuse, recent studies, options for treatment and employing Educational Consultants who have extensive experience in addiction treatment.

I could go on and on, but the message is this…recovery happens and it feels really good to be a part of it.

Drug Testing, right or wrong?

Without going into the great detail that many recent articles have on whether or not to drug test your adolescent or young adult, let me just say; if this is an issue in your home, you may need to start thinking about outside intervention and assessment. Educate yourself about drugs of abuse and the options available should you decide to seek help for your family. There are so many options and so many underlying issues that need to be addressed when a young person begins using substances. An Educational Consultant can educate you and help you. Whether it’s early intervention through parent coaching or a crisis intervention through treatment planning, the Educational Consultants at Bodin have experience, knowledge and compassion and are ready to help today!

Check out or call 800-874-2124

Parenting a Troubled Teen

” When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around, but when I got to be twenty-one I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years” – Mark Twain

Issues of parenting struggling teens or troubled teens are not new, but the stakes are higher. Today, our children face issues of drugs and alcohol, anxiety, depression and other mental health crisis that can impede on the academic process and cause chaos in the home.

At Bodin, our Educational Consultants are skilled in working with families who are struggling and help to create treatment plans that confront and treat the issues within the entire family system. To learn more check out our website at or call 800-874-2124.